Sunday, 27 November 2016

Hiccup flick-up

Hiccups are generally harmless.  Everyone, who is anyone, has battled these bouts at one time or another, maybe before some food or after some drink. They are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscles. And really, they are usually nothing to worry about. 

Everyone has a remedy: drink a glass of water upside-down, suck on a lime, take a deep breath and hold it or, for the adventurous, have those hiccoughs scared out of you. I even heard that a warm bath was the best way to smooth away the hiccups. Personally, I just wait the buggers out, they usually come to an end all on their own.
(However, if they persist for more than three hours, it is advised that you visit your doctor.)

Some people even say that hiccups means one is gaining some weight and for a baby, a little weight gain is not a bad thing.
However, when your one week-old baby starts to hiccup so violently that her tiny six-pound body is racked by endless convulsions, then they don't seem nearly as benign as you always believed. In that case, you usually find yourself standing helplessly by and panicking about the permanent damage that is no doubt being inflicted on her fragile body (you can already visualise them), followed by the  almost-creepily intensive staring session while you wait for these terrifying tremors to stop.

Now, I am not saying that those other remedies won't do the trick, and if you aren't partial to the baby then, by all means, scares the hiccups away. But I had grown a tad attached to my daughter so, no could do.
Luckily, my mother knows what to do to stop them. You simply take a piece of thread, suck on it for a bit, then stick it onto the baby's forehead. Make sure the thread comes from the baby's clothing, apparently, it's the clincher.

Or, take an unlit matchstick or two and put them into the baby's hair, above the soft spot at the crown.
However, just between you and me, here's the quickest cure for baby's hiccups that I know: milk.
While breast may be best, bottles have worked for ages, so run with that if you have to. Simply stick a teat of some kind in the baby's mouth and before you know it, no more hiccups.

Yeah, baby, suck on that!

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